An Infinite God:

An Infinite God? You may not think mathematics and The Bible have much in common, but that is not true. God speaks through numbers in several different ways. We see the numbers 3, 7, and 40 for example commonly used, but what about some other ways math is used in the scriptures?

  • When Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves of bread.
  • The instructions were given to Noah about the specific geometry of the boat to be constructed.
  • All the hairs on your head have been numbered.
  • Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man, and his number is six-hundred and sixty-six.
  • Understanding Daniel’s 70 weeks in relation to the return of Christ.
  • 14 generations between Abraham and David, 14 generations between David and the deportation of Babylon, and 14 generations from the deportation of Babylon to Christ.

But what about something like fractals seen in the images? Fractals are repeating patterns that don’t seem to end and are called discrete objects. The images seen are an example of The Mandelbrot set. Before moving on, this would be a good place to clarify that when I am using fractals as a testimony of how God is infinite, I am not equating God in a pantheistic manner. Pantheism does not see God as a personal creator, but rather the universe as a whole is God or that all things in nature are god. For example, a bioluminescent organism is a god.

The God of the Bible is self-existent, self-sufficient, and personal. God said to Moses, I AM who I AM If fractals never existed, that wouldn’t change the character of God. He would still be the great I AM. Fractals are simply a testimony to one of many attributes of God. Do you have to ask yourself why something like fractals has no end? It’s because God who is the creator of all things (and not one thing being described as God) is behind it. Jesus Christ is the first and the last. Fractals themselves are not a beginning or end in themselves. Colossians say all things have been created for Jesus and through Him. In Him, all things hold together.

The Mandelbrot set seen in the image is not a tangible object, but is actually a succession of graphs plotted again and again. When you look at the first image, each smaller extension is identical to the largest structure. The chemical formula is Z2 + C, where C is the starting location on the graph.

You start off making Z= 0 and take the 02+C and place it back into Z. For example, 02+C turns the formula into (02+C)2 +C. Then you take that value and place it again back into Z2+C. What you get is a beautiful pattern that continues without end.

This is just one example where science should not disprove the existence of a creator but lend support.