What I Think of When I Hear the Word Theology

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word theology is God, but not just any god. When I think of theology, the gods of the Greeks or even different religions such as Buddhism don’t come to mind, but YAHWEH, the one who said: “ I AM who I AM “ (Exodus 3:14), and Jesus who is the invisible image of God and the radiance of his exact nature.

The word theology comes from theo (which means God) and logos (which means words). One of the most beautiful verses in all of scripture that captures the meaning of theology or at least to me is “ In The beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1). Here again we see the Word which means logos, but when we study the scripture more closely, The Word is Jesus. The Word is Jesus (logos) and Jesus is God (theos).

I also think of the Attributes of God ( such as Immutability and Omniscience), some of the great minds of theology (Martin Luther, John Calvin, Tim Keller, A.W. Tozer, and J.I Packered) Even the branches that concern the church, end times, and even the proper interpretation of scripture come to mind.

In conclusion, when we think of theology, we are not simply thinking of God or any one aspect of Christianity. We are contemplating the complexity and depth of the divine, the nature of humanity, and the relationship between the two. We are exploring the teachings of some of the greatest minds in history, and we are constantly seeking new insights and perspectives to help us better understand our place in the world and our relationship with God.

By: Matthew V Corbi (October 25, 2019)

Read More: Discovering the Wonders of Biblical Theology