Sodom and Gomorrah Report - Bible 471 - Biblical Archaeology

The book of Genesis is filled with accounts of everything from God creating the heavens and the earth, to a man falling away from God and even pouring out His wrath on man for their sin. We see a worldwide flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but many people question did these things really happen the way the Bible said. Did Noah actually build a boat for his family and animals before the flood, and if so where is it today? Did God cause the destruction with the fire of the city of Sodom?

Whether you are an archaeologist trying to uncover artifacts of history or a forensic pathologist trying to prove a crime, there is often evidence and traces left behind. While some minimalists in archaeology may dispute certain events and their validity, the scripture is God-breathed and is all true. In the case of Sodom, it is not a question of the destruction that did occur, but rather where and how?

Two theories compete for the location of Sodom: The Northern Theory and the Southern Theory. Both offer good evidence, but the evidence leans in favor of The Northern Theory. It’s important to provide more context about what each theory entails.

Both possible areas for Sodom have been mapped out by archaeologists. According to Dr. Bryant Wood, when the archeological, geographical, and epigraphic evidence is reviewed in detail, it is clear that the infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have been found. Before 1 Wood, Bryant G” The Discovery of the Sin Cities Sodom and Gomorrah, April 16 (2008) Associates for Biblical Research, laying out these possible locations it is important to lay out some historical context from scripture. In the book of Genesis, we see the story of Abram and Lot which can help identify the possible location of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The scripture says that “ Lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the valley of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere- this was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah- like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Zoar. So Lot chose for himself all the valley of the Jordan, and Lot journeyed eastward. Thus they separated from each other. Abram settled in the land of Canaan, while Lot settled in the cities of the valley, and moved his tents as far as Sodom.

From these 2 information in scripture, we can gather that the location of Sodom and Gomorrah is somewhere near The Dead Sea and Jordan Valley. The maps shown below are to give an idea of the geography and location of the cities in question.


The current proposed locations for Sodom and Gomorrah are Bab edh-Dhra for according to The Southern Theory and Tall-el-Hammam to The Northern Theory.

According to archaeologist Steven Collins, Tall-el-Hammam is 8 miles (13 km) Northeast of the Dead Sea. The Southern 5 Theory holds that Bab-edh-Dhra is the location of Sodom.

When it comes to dating the time of the patriarchs around the time of Sodom it becomes more difficult. Most evangelical scholars accept the middle bronze age for the patriarchs. Six Scholars such as Collins and Albright take a much later date ( 1750-1650 BCE) with the destruction around 1600 BC. The Southern Theory proponents such as Wood take an earlier date around 6 Graves, David E. Biblical Archaeology. Vol 1.

An Introduction with Recent Discoveries that Support the Reliability of the Bible. Zondervan ( 2018) 5 Wood, Bryant G. Locating Sodom: A Critique of the Northern Proposal. Feb 26 ( 2016) Associates for Biblical Research. 4 2166- 1991 BC for the patriarchs.

There is good archaeological evidence for both sites that correspond to scripture. In chapter 13 of Genesis, we can conclude contextually that the cities were located in the plain or valley and were visible between Bethel and Ai. The word kikkar is translated as Jordan Valley. The geography was very lush and allowed for agriculture “ This was well watered everywhere and compared to the Garden of the Lord (Gen 13).

The Northern site meets more of the criteria for locating the city of Sodom north of the dead sea. However, this does not rule out the possibility of the Southern Theory. According to Dr. Bryant G. Wood, there is sufficient evidence from paleobotany studies that lend to credibility. Paleo-botanical studies have shown that there was a rich diversity of crops grown at Bab-edh-Dhra.

From scripture in chapter 19 of Genesis, we can gather that the city had strong fortifications (walls). “ Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom.” Research has shown that there was a significant fortification at Bab-edh-Dhra.

While both theories have strengths and weaknesses, when trying to locate the cities, the standard of measure should ultimately be the words of scripture. The major weakness behind the Southern Theory is that it doesn’t fit to what we see in Chapter 13 of Genesis with respect to the cities of the plain and the area around The Jordan Valley.

The Northern Theory is more in accord with Genesis 13. Perhaps the greatest case that can be made for The Northern Theory of Tall-el-Hammam comes from the evidence of destruction. The Bible says there was a fiery 7 Graves, David E. Bible Archaeology. Vol 1. An Introduction with Recent discoveries that Support the Reliability of the Bible. Zondervan’s (2018) destruction and that Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. Research has shown that “ Saline levels” are above normal. Salt concentrations above 300 ppm are toxic. According to Silvia.

“The explosive force of a meteorite airburst can accomplish the same levels of soil destruction and removal in a matter of seconds”. Collins reported in 2013 for TeH that research found 8 scorched foundations and floors buried under nearly 3ft of dark gray ash, as well as dozens of pottery sherds covered with a frothy “melted surface”, the glassy appearance that indicates they were exposed to temperatures in excess of 2000 Fahrenheit.

Such evidence indicates a catastrophic event. This glassy residue is that of trinite, which is similar to the sand that was exposed to a nuclear bomb test in 1945. The extreme heat required to melt pottery and produce trinite indicates that there was an unusual event that took place.


While I largely support the Northern Theory as the likely location of Sodom, primarily because of what we see in scripture and the evidence of trinite, I am not completely shutting out the possibility that Bab-edh-Dhra could be the location.

What really matters is not the exact location, but that we know with almost certainty that we have located Sodom and that this confirms what The Bible has said all along, that God did pour out his wrath for the sins of the people. However, we don’t have to experience the wrath of God.

Jesus came to be the 98 Graves, David E. Bible Archaeology. Vol 1. An Introduction with Recent discoveries that Support the Reliability of the Bible. Zondervan(2018) propitiation for our sins. He took our place and if we accept him as our Lord and Savior, we can be spared the wrath those at Sodom experienced.

By: Liberty University By Matthew Corbi, Feb 24, 2020

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